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What I Saw At Asbury

Preface: This is an account of what I saw at Asbury, what I felt and saw as I was writing this in Hugh Chapel as others worshiped around me. My hope is that for anyone who wanted to be in Hughs Chapel and couldn't make it that this might your window to not only see what I saw, but to feel what I felt. I hope God moves through this and blesses you in reading this. Revival, Awakening is here.


After 3 1/2 hours of driving and nine hours of waiting in line, we are in Hughs Chapel. So what does revival feel like? It feels like peace. It's brimming with warmth and safety. Worship is both reverent and ruckus in a 100 year old building, a piano, a guitar, student choir a Cajon and violin are all the instruments. No fancy lights, no complicated liturgy. Just 18-25 year olds desperate for Jesus, lingering in his presence, and leading the world in a revival unlike any seen in the past 50 years. The "liturgy" is anything that will remind the heart of how desperate it is for God, and how great the God it so desperately wants is. The Holy Spirit says simply, "I love you child, welcome to my presence,I will give you everything you need.

So how is God talking? Through the young. Those still being educated. God has turned the students into the teachers sharing scripture testimonies confession, worship, and prayers. It is truly a wonder to sit in.

To put it in perspective, I have never felt something so divine feel so possible, and feel so natural. The young teach the old that we are abusing the grace of God. That hypocrisy has no place in the church. That confession and testimony need to become the center of spiritual life again. Confession & testimony sparked 11 days of revival so far. USA, Brazil, Ireland are represented in the room right now. As of right now, we are reminded of the shame God took on so we could be spared from it. And to boot, he defeated death in resurrection. Yet, students are preaching to students across the world! The Gospel is being preached. Repent and be baptized! The kids are being used to further the gospel more in the last 11 days than in the last 50 years. Right now... there's been an altar call... 40 more join the family of this hour alone. I'm trembling, the entire chapel erupts in celebration as heaven receives more returning to the fold of God. So simple, so pure, so good. Crowded Altars, Victory!

As the crowded altars fill with new brothers and sisters in the faith, they are prayed for as everyone sings over them. The room is warm like a Grand hall, yet God's people have become the fire burning in worship, their hearts growing softer. Wonder stirring with every keystroke of the piano. The choir full of joy. The future of the Church? Secure and poised to grow. I might even say this isn't just a revival. The sheer magnitude this is an awakening, this could be a second reformation if it needs to be. The spirit of the Lord is here and nothing feels impossible, everything feels possible. You can't help but stand up when a worship song starts, every call to prayer is another invitation to linger with Christ. I went forward for prayer to ask deliverance from some sin in my life, a man named Jeff prayed for me. As he prayed for me , I felt Christ's love like a refreshing waterfall consume my body. I saw my soul get cleans from its sin and put back into me, afresh, anew. Renewed, revived.

As Jeff concluded the prayer it dawned on me that everyone Id' met today in line, it might be the last time IU'd see them. I mentioned this to Jeff as I thanked him for his prayer and he said "the last time on this side perhaps. I'll see you later though." He said with a glimmering smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Earlier, right after we had arrived and just gotten in line, we got in line and proceeded to meet family. Maddie from Dayton Ohio, Anthony and his family from Atlanta, Cole and Ariel from Michigan, a pastor from Huntsville Alabama, and Danielle from Pittsburg. As we were in line we all saw demons getting cast out of people, and we saw people with broken bones be completely healed, Gabrielle was her name and she & her friend Brooke joined us in line after Anthony's son prayed for her.

God is worth a 12 hour wait. God is worth endless prayers. I witnessed 30k people wait in line to worship God. He's worth it. His sweetness is evident as we sing Draw me close. It's like a Father playing peek a boo with his kids. He's not far but he keeps revealing his face in new ways and everyone is overjoyed at every revelation.

The Pastor, just said" it's too late to frame reality any other way, we need a Great Awakening" & what it means to be carriers of Revival.

What's the story? Uncontrollably joyfully weeping "Jesus". Prayer breaks out in coffee shops everywhere in Lexington. Friends of Jesus are carriers, people who can hold and or deliver. To hold the love of God, to die with a soul on fire. First great awakening died away in 3 generations. Tougher preaching didn't work, talking about the power of the Holy Spirit is the key to the great Awakening I & II. Yet a deep relationship with God is what is required for lasting impact. A circle of friends where no secrets exist. "Go into the realm, into the deep, into the authentic... don't squander the outpouring. Who wants to go the distance for Christ's renewal? Who's committed?

A big theme, freedom from Pornography. The pastor says "there's no shame in bringing porn up, but let's call it what it is, it's a scourge and we are fighting against it. And we need to fight it in Christ, together as a family of believers, First hold revival, then deliver. Convey the love of God over a lifetime. "This outpouring has been given for the world, he wants to restore us all and won't be satisfied until everyone has a chance at restoration. Be bold in prayer in public. Ask God for friends you haven't met yet. Introduce your friends to God, so you can introduce God to your friends. Pray for those around you. Prayer prepared the asbury revival and it will be what shares the revival.

Talking to God and Prayer with God is as powerful as evangelism. It's the son of tears that always comes home. The ones who weep, the Lord will surely hear and answer.

Weep over your city, kneel pray, weep, watch.

Hold & convey the outpouring. Go home in power. You can't carry revival if you're holding onto something else. Ask for freedom & receive it "leave your sin at Wilmore" so you can carry revival home with you. Do the work.

As the pastor prayed the room shifted again. I think it hit us. We've been given a precious fire and we are the vessels called to deliver revival to our homes. "God may we be coins in your pocket, spend us. Baptize us in your voice. Thank you for meeting with us and hearing our prayers - Amen

Worship resumed with King of Kings. The Altars still crowded, countless prostrate kneeling, sobbing.

Yet, what made it special? It felt natural. IT felt, super natural. Like we were built for worship. Perhaps it's because we are. No longer am I concerned if heaven is an endless church service. because as I write this, I don't want to leave this moment at all.

So how might one resolve an account of heaven touching earth? Singing in the choir that is the family of believers "O praise the name of the Lord our God... praise God from whom all blessings him LORD of all.

Praise the father, praise the son continues to roar from the tongues of all in the room. Convinced of how worthy God is. Convinced that he is good. Convinced that this is not to be squandered. The sweetness of the lord, is his wailful love, yet his joy is made complete as we recognize it, and give him praise, and he completes our joy in praise.

He romances us back to himself. So as I conclude, I pray I do not become distracted, that revival might live in me and those around me for the rest of our days. That I might be a worthy vessel always for his glory.