Why Good Grain Creative University?
In 2020, Good Grain Creative launched as a Church Marketing Agency. Our goal? To close the communications gap for churches permanently, by creating, expanding and refining a business model that puts ministries first, while providing a path for scalability for Good Grain Creative. We’ve done this for the last three years, and our 2023 release, proves that we have listened to pastors, and are ready to continue working with ministries to deliver high value at low cost.
Yet, Almanac represents our foray into a different sphere of Church Marketing, which is focused less on accumulating retainer contracts, and more focused on equipping the church at large.
The Church Marketing Education space is wide open, and we're hoping to introduce a little competition into the space. Right now, it costs $97 per month to have a subscription to most church marketing equipping sites, and their resources, that's $1164 per year, for access to downloads, some how-to videos, and a couple of strategy guides, to go for more substantial servicing, you could spend up to $397 per month, or close to **$5000** per year, to get some lite, agency servicing from these institutions as well.
The Digital Ministry Equipping Industry is ripping pastors off, and it's sickening.
For $5000 with Good Grain Creative, we can give you a new website and a year of strategic management for that site, ensuring that your ministry is winning at every turn.
Almanac seeks to fulfill the mission of the Digital Equipping ministry in a more generous spirit. For $7 per month or $60 per year, ministry leaders will have access to every idea we use to create success for churches that pay us to manage their communications ecosystems. Our Reports, Strategies, Guides to Building Infrastructure, and How-To Videos. Readily available for the church at large for less than $2 per week on a monthly plan, and less than $1.50 per week on a yearly plan.
We believe that the Gospel deserves to win, and that the value delivered should only cost what it takes to pull it off. That's why we've priced Almanac the way that we have, to host the space costs Good Grain Creative, $120, our hope is that we have at least churches sign up so we can break even.
Yet, for year 1, as crazy as it sounds, we don't want to make any money from Almanac. Sure it's been 3 years of work and experience, plus the investment we've made into creating the How-To videos the reports and the strategy guides, but that's not the heart of Almanac off the bat. That's why everyone who signs up for a yearly subscription in the first year of it being live, will get 1 year for free, no questions asked, just access. For those who sign up for a monthly plan, you'll get your first month free too and we'll be keeping that discount going in perpetuity.
The Gospel deserves the best strategies, and it deserves to win, and those who serve it should be equipped to win. As ministries continue to grapple with what it means to do ministry online, we hope that the Almanac provides guidance to churches for how to make the best first steps into the digital arena.
Lastly, as Almanac progresses, we hope to provide new content to churches on a regular basis, promoting not only the basics of Church communications , but also more advanced strategies as well. We also hope to provide instruction on Video Production, Photo Editing, Graphic Design, and more.
So to the ministry leaders reading this, sign up for The Almanac, it's Good Grain Creative's gift to your ministry, to celebrate it's launch, we're giving everyone free access to everything we've learned, because we believe that all ministry is worth it.