Policies, Procedures & Programs

  • Good Grain Creative is priced ethically, and competitively. We have on rare occasions donated services when we have felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to do so. We do not appreciate pastors or organizations who insist on a “donated services arrangement” or partnership.

    We typically offer discounts to organizations and pastors that are existing partners and have already shown a willingness to pay our full prices as represented here on our website.

    If you are interested in exploring an alternative deal, please fill out the following form.

  • Subscriptions are defined as partnerships that are paid on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis with no specified end date.

    All subscription cancelations qualify for a prorated discount calculated from the day the cancelation request was made.

    Eg. You pay a weekly plan every Monday, and you cancel the following Wednesday, Good Grain Creative will refund you for 5/7ths of the amount paid in your last payment.

  • Contracts are defined as partnerships where payments are made on a monthly or quarterly basis that also have a specified expiration date.

    Since Contracts are given at a discount, any contract that is canceled prematurely will be invoiced or charged for the remaining payments upon cancelation.

    On your reciept it may say “Cancelation Policy” I affirm agree and understand. This is what that line refers to if you have purchased the following:

    2-year Contract

    3- year contract

    4-year contract

    5- year contract

  • Good Grain Creative will always offer the most generous settlement we can responsibly offer upfront. Rejection of this initial offer will result in Good Grain Creative relying on contract terms as agreed upon with physical/digital signatures.

    The last thing we want to do is harm a church, we do everything to avoid conflict and litigation and to handle conflicts with calm integrity while preserving the dignity of both parties.

  • No Subscription or Contract may be delegated to another organization without explicit approval from all parties and a signed transference agreement.

    It is the tendency of Good Grain Creative to not approve these actions and clients consent to a non-tranferrence agrement prior to payment, this then requires Good Grain Creative to approve the migration of the account via a signed waiver authorizing the transfer

  • All existing clients who refer Good Grain Creative to the ministry partners who then sign a contract with us are entitled to a 20% referral credit with Good Grain Creative, which they can redeem for marketing services for themselves or a friend.