EPC Nashville
Website Traffic Data
The Stories Driving The Data
In February 2021, we launched a new website with a minimal strategy for EPC Nashville, on this account we only update the calendar and the sermon library when content has been produced, what we have seen since February is an incredible adoption rate for the updated website.
EPC Nashville is a one of the smallest churches we work with, they have a priority on their community and who God brings to them so Good Grain Creative came alongside those priorities to create a simple web experience that runs in tandem to their ministry.
Another important note about this case study is how EPC Nashville has managed expectations for the site, it is meant to be a simple resource for their community, nothing extravagant and their congregation has worked with it as they’ve hoped with the majority of people exploring who they need to contact on leadership and what the notes were on last week’s sermon.
Knowing what your congregation needs, and what accommodates your style of ministry is the best way to frame what a website can be for your community and it helps us craft the unique experience that you want for your congregation as well when we partner together.