March 2021 - Present


Website Traffic

Email List Subscriber Data

Instagram Follower Data

The Story Driving The Data

City Awakening Church is one of our favorite case studies while Web Traffic is a more nuanced analysis, growth on email and Instagram are incredible examples of what working with Good Grain Creative can do for your church.

Website Traffic grew substantially upon the introduction of a new website to City Awakening’s community this growth stopped in April and their audience reduced to just below 500 users per month in July, when churches typically experience their worst months for attendance and digital engagement due to summer vacations. In August, City Awakening Church hired an outside firm to do a paid campaign to increase reach and while this tactic proved effective at first, resulting in dramatic growth, but effectiveness of that tactic dipped by 14% driving the lower traffic, our results with direct and organic traffic increased by 20% in the same window of time. Long term, we have increased their organic traffic and City Awakening’s ability to drive traffic based on produced content that guides their congregation by an additional 47% outside of paid strategies.

Email lists and Instagram have both benefitted from both strategies running in tandem but have seen more growth in the months when the paid strategy has proven less effective.

Furthermore, the strengthening of City Awakening’s organic marketing and communications allows for them to have a higher return on investment for initiatives that only require time allocations instead of budget allocations.


Canopy Church